2011年7月14日 星期四

Why a Business Cash Advance is Easier to Get Than a Business Loan

With over 3 million small businesses existing in the state of California, it's safe to say that business loans are a hot commodity for business owners in the Golden State.

Business loans are coveted for their ability to finance business growth and expansion, and even preservation and maintenance within a business.

Many business loans however, can only be obtained under certain conditions. The borrower may be required to have a credit score of at least 700, paperwork documenting his/her financial history, a business that has been in operation for at least three years, and to the dismay of many California business owners, the list continues.

After realizing that a bank business loan is out of the question, and searching from place to place hoping to come across adequate funds, many California business owners have found that a business cash advance is just what they are looking for.

These business owners have been able to find money to finance their business ventures with credit scores that some banks may not consider worthy of business loan consideration. They obtained this money without providing collateral, and without making appointment after appointment with loan consultants.

Business cash advance recipients are required to provide lenders with at least four months of their businesses' most recent credit card statements. Usually, if the business processes a minimum of $2,500 in monthly credit card sales, the owner is eligible to receive a business cash advance. Then, as customers continue to make credit card purchases, a small percentage from each sale is put toward the repayment until repayment is completed. The application process is simple, funding is speedy, and payments are flexible.

Now, finding funding for your California business does not have to be an impossible task. Take advantage of a business cash advance and make your California business the envy of the United States.

Gaston C. writes articles about Business Loans for Merchant Resources International.

