2011年7月31日 星期日

Small Business Loans For Women

Acquiring venture capital is an important and sometimes vital step in launching a new business. With more than half of all new businesses being started by women, women make up a large percentage of those taking out small business loans. Banks and individuals worldwide recognize the importance of empowering women to start their own businesses, and there are many programs that women anywhere can take advantage of. For those who don't have credit, the lending application process will focus on the woman's character, experience, and reliability. There are also loans specifically for women who are caring for young children and who want to start home-based businesses.

So-called microfinance programs often target women in poverty stricken areas. That is because many of the businesses women in poor areas want to start are very simple and do not require huge up-front investments. Sometimes it is as simple as lending a woman enough money to purchase a cell phone. With that cell phone and a phone plan, she can re-sell "minutes" on the phone to other people (mostly women) in her neighborhood or village.

Sometimes it's a matter of lending enough money for a woman to plant a small garden, from which she can sell her produce. Women are often the ideal recipients for small business loans based on their goals and resources. In places where lending to women starting businesses has caught on, women are more respected and there are even reports of lower levels of violence against women in such places.

The author Jocelyn O. Iyog is a web content writer for 5 years. Because of her desire to impart her ideas to many people she made a blog, The Joycescape Network http://joycescape.com. This blog is the mirror of her personality. She also write for other blogs/websites. Check out her writing services http://joycescape.com/we-write-for-you/

