2011年7月31日 星期日

Understanding an Unsecured Small Business Loan

Today will be discussing the details of an unsecured small business loan. There are many ways in which to fund your business and unsecured loans are just one of those ways. Many new businesses will seek out venture capital instead of loans as this has the advantage of not requiring repayment with interest. Whether you seek out venture capital or a business loans a matter of personal preference.

On the one hand you will avoid a payments as those interested in a business loan however if you have venture capital you are giving up a portion of your company to the venture capitalists. There are certain qualities of this loan type which should get a steady for seeking out a loan of this type.

First of all we should discuss what makes a loan unsecured. Secured loans have collateral which back them up in case the loan is default on. For example if you were to purchase a car you would get an automobile loan. This loan would be backed by the vehicle which you purchased. If for some reason you do not make your car payments then they would be able to reclaim the vehicle as their property and sell it to try to recapture their lost from the loan.

An unsecured loan does not have any of this backing collateral and instead relies on other factors such as your credit report or if that is not an option some unsecured loans will simply rely on a high interest rate and quick repayment requirements. The thought their being that if they require their money back more quickly and they don't lend out as much and they charge a higher interest rate that even if some of the loans go into default they will still make money.

Next we should discuss the business aspect of the unsecured small business loan. Typically these loans are specially designed for small businesses, which are defined as businesses make under $100,000 in revenue each year. They typically have less stringent requirements that are required for larger companies but on the other hand they are also slightly more expensive as rates will tend to be slightly higher.

So to recap an unsecured small business loan is a loan which you get without having any backing collateral and which is used for your small business. Loans of this type typically have special concessions for the small business circumstance and can be a great source of funding for your expansion or other projects.

For more information, go to Unsecured Small Business Loan at http://www.unsecuredbizloan.com

Business Tip #1 - If You Can't Get a Business Loan, Try a Merchant Cash Advance

Many businesses are struggling to pay their bills - that's no secret. So it's no wonder that having poor credit is a growing problem.

Having bad credit doesn't keep a business from needing money... It only serves to complicate things. We still need money to keep things running smoothly. Getting a bank loan under normal conditions is difficult. Getting a bank loan with bad credit is almost impossible. You may be asking; "How am I supposed to get working capital if the banks refuse to lend me money?"

One solution to that problem is with a merchant cash advance (or merchant loan). A merchant cash advance is a business loan alternative that is designed specifically to help people that are having credit problems. They have designed it so that nearly 90% of all who apply get funded.

It is beyond the scope of this article to explain exactly how it works, but I can assure you it does. Not only are you able to get cash you need; it only takes a fraction of the time it takes banks to get you funded.

To qualify for a merchant loan, you must meet the following requirements;

You must be the businesses principle owner.
You need to have been open for at least 4 months.
You must accept Visa/MasterCard as a form of payment
You must process at least $2,500 in credit card sales each month.

If you meet these simple requirements, then chances are you will qualify for $5,000 up to $500,000 depending on your sales.

Use the following link if you would like a free quote, or would like to learn more about a merchant cash advance.

Christopher Ronk writes articles about business loans and merchant cash advances for one of the leading providers in the USA http://businesscashadvanced.net

Thousands of business owners all across the have used our services to maintain and grow their business, even when the banks have turned them down.

Small Business Loans For Women

Acquiring venture capital is an important and sometimes vital step in launching a new business. With more than half of all new businesses being started by women, women make up a large percentage of those taking out small business loans. Banks and individuals worldwide recognize the importance of empowering women to start their own businesses, and there are many programs that women anywhere can take advantage of. For those who don't have credit, the lending application process will focus on the woman's character, experience, and reliability. There are also loans specifically for women who are caring for young children and who want to start home-based businesses.

So-called microfinance programs often target women in poverty stricken areas. That is because many of the businesses women in poor areas want to start are very simple and do not require huge up-front investments. Sometimes it is as simple as lending a woman enough money to purchase a cell phone. With that cell phone and a phone plan, she can re-sell "minutes" on the phone to other people (mostly women) in her neighborhood or village.

Sometimes it's a matter of lending enough money for a woman to plant a small garden, from which she can sell her produce. Women are often the ideal recipients for small business loans based on their goals and resources. In places where lending to women starting businesses has caught on, women are more respected and there are even reports of lower levels of violence against women in such places.

The author Jocelyn O. Iyog is a web content writer for 5 years. Because of her desire to impart her ideas to many people she made a blog, The Joycescape Network http://joycescape.com. This blog is the mirror of her personality. She also write for other blogs/websites. Check out her writing services http://joycescape.com/we-write-for-you/

2011年7月30日 星期六

It Is Not Always Easy To Get New Business Loans

Even if the purpose of your loan is business, in all likelihood, you will have to apply for a personal loan for your business and not a business loan. The credit is based on the person taking out the loan and not the business side of it. There are several things that you will need to go through before you can get you loan so know ahead that starting a business is not easy. New business loans do exist, you just need to find them, so don't be concerned.

You want to look for loans that are person to person loans; you would probably have better luck in your search. This will broaden your ability to get the new business loans that you are seeking. Especially people who live right in your own community are dying to help people like you out. They would rather see someone that they are acquainted with succeed over the big franchises. It is always nice to know the business owners on a personal level rather than being just another customer.

It is not going to be a simple task starting up a new business; it will be challenging. However, this could better your chances of getting a loan. Locating a lender might be easier when investors know that your business may be able to provide locals with jobs and it will also keep more money in your own community. The investor will also help you by publishing information about your business and what your intentions are.

You can lower your interest rate if you decide not to go through the bank the traditional way and go through a novel source to keep you interest payments low. Your credit does not have to be perfect to obtain a loan, but it it helps if it is fairly decent. Your credit standing should be somewhat elevated, if not ideal. As long as your credit score is between average and above average, you should have no problem getting some of your loan or perhaps all of it.

When you apply for a loan you will need to provide some information: you will have to verify your identity and where you live and for how long, how you are going to pay back the loan and employment information. Once all of your information is checked, it shouldn't take long for the funds to be put into your checking account. When it comes time to repay the loan they will deduct it from that same account.

Check out the benefits of new business loans and Motorcycle loans.

How to Make a Business Loan Proposal

Making a business loan proposal is like making standard loan documents. However, in a business loan proposal a lending company or a lender is expecting you to submit a written proposal in applying for the business loan. For this matter, you have the chance to show up all your promising and exciting aspects of your business as well as to prove that you are the right one for a loan.For you to get the loan you always wanted, make sure that you know how to make the loan proposal. These are the proper steps to make one:1. First, you make the cover letter with your proposal before submitting it. The cover letter should include a brief introduction of your company, the amount requested as well as the purpose of the loan.2. The proposal should include the general information like the name and the address of the company as well as the Social Security records of the principals.3. You must describe your current business in full detail. You should include all the facts from past and projected performance of the business and the legality of the ownership.4. You musts present all the market facts. Identify your main competitor and you should explain how the business competes. Provide all the necessary details of your present customer base.5. In preparing the management profiles from co-owners and employees, you emphasize their education, accomplishments as well as their qualifications.6. Provide the necessary details concerning the performance of the operations from the last three years.If your business is new, submit the projected balance papers and income statements. Also provide personal financial details from co-owners and statements on collaterals that will guarantee as a security for the asked loan.7. Before finally submitting the loan proposal, proofread it and check for some grammatical errors contained in the document.8. In submitting the proposal, don't forget to have a copy for yourself because it's important for future documentation.Since you already know how to make a business loan proposal, always remember the following:o Be honest and realistic. Don't ever boast your projected profits and be true about the difficulties your business has experienced in recent years.o Make sure that all the required information are complete.o Let your legal advisers and accountants check inconsistencies in your proposal.Even though it doesn't require you to submit a loan proposal in some loan application process, you must be ready to have one.

Khieng 'Ken' Chho - Online Loan Resources. For related articles and other resources, visit Ken's website: http://loans.onew3b.net/

2011年7月29日 星期五

Bad Credit Business Loan - Small Business Loans For Women With Bad Credit Scores

In the past, we were used to seeing women inside the house, taking care of all the household chores. But over the years, several changes happened and it is quite typical for women these days to have a career of their own. Some end up having a small business that they run right from the comfort of their own office in their very own homes. And just like any other business owner, women also need to have access to additional business capital especially at times that they really need it. However, there is an additional challenge for women, as they often have poor credit ratings.

Women often have poor credit scores not because they are not able to pay off their debts, but more because they do not have credit history. Many of them have not borrowed a good amount of money in the past because they have never needed it. And for them to have a startup business of their own is an additional challenge that they have to face. The good thing is there are financial institutions that can offer them a bad credit business loan. This type of loan for businesses can allow women to have the additional capital they need for their chosen ventures.

There are already several financing firms that offer small business loans for women with bad credit scores. And what is even better is for women to find a firm that can offer more than just loans for businesses that have poor credit ratings. It can help if the firm can also offer personal professional assistance, high approval rate, quick loan processing, incentive programs, and government guaranteed competitive rates.

In doing so, women business owners can have better chances of qualifying for a this kind of loan that regular loans for small businesses. In this way, they can have the additional capital they need right on time. While financing firms that offer small business loans for women with poor credit scores can still remain tricky to find, it can be worth their while to find such a firm so they can save their business from premature downfall.

It can also be good to take note of the terms of the loan that has been applied for. Women must take note of the repayment schedules, collateral needed, and interest rates that might apply. In this way, they will not be all too surprised with the repayment charges that they will need to deal with so they can settle the amount that they have borrowed.

If you need help with bad credit business loans or if you want to find an alternative to loans for women with poor credit, visit our site today.

What You Should Know About Unsecured Business Loans

These days, there is a great demand for unsecured business loan financing as more and more people fight the economic slump by starting their own small businesses. For a lot of new business owners, applying for a secured business loan is not an option because they do not have properties to submit as collateral.

It is good to know that there are lending companies that extend unsecured business loans or unguaranteed loans. However, one basic requirement to get an unsecured business loan is to have an impressive credit. If you have bad credit, it would be very difficult to get business financing, especially if you do not want to submit collateral.

How much can you expect when you apply for an unsecured business loan? Because of the lack of security, lending companies offer a limited amount of financing. Typically, unsecured business loans will not exceed $50,000. The amount of loan you can get will still depend on your credit score. Of course, a higher credit score would give you access to a higher loan value.

Applying for an Unsecured Business Loan

Before submitting your unsecured business loan application, be sure that you have done research and comparison. Apart from banks and commercial lenders, it's also a good idea to try to check out business financing options that are offered by credit unions. Loans offered by credit unions are meant to assist small businesses and usually have lower interest rates compared to standard loans or bank loans.

Find out the specific requirements that you need to submit so you can prepared the paperwork in advance. Take note that each lender may have different requirements and not submitting the right set of documents or missing a single requirement could cause your approval to delay or may even cause your application to get denied.

Although unsecured business loans do not require collateral and involve less paperwork, you will still be required to submit proof that you are managing a legitimate business, your business plan (for start up businesses), and copies of your business finance sheets and tax returns.

It is also recommended that you check both your personal and business credit (if applicable) report prior to submitting your loan application. It is important to remember that errors in your report may cause your score to drop a number of points. Checking your credit standing in advance will give you the opportunity to request the credit bureaus to correct the errors and improve your score. Again, take note that a good score will give you the advantage to ask for lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms.

Carefully study the terms of your unsecured business loan before signing up the contract. Make sure that you will not be charged with unreasonable interest rates or hidden fees while in the middle of your loan repayment. If there are terms in your contract that you do not understand, do not hesitate to do further investigation to be certain that the terms of your chosen lender are legal and fair.

Emma Collins is a credit consultant and advocate for entrepreneurs and small business owners. She has been writing articles online for about 7 years now. Corporation Support.com aims to provide you assistance in obtaining corporate credit, business credit lines for those who want to run or expand their business.

2011年7月28日 星期四

Secured Business Loan - Time To Check This

If you are looking for a huge amount of loan to invest in your business, then consider the secured business loan. Business person irrespective of all the bad credit tags are eligible for this loan. Being a secured form of loan, secured business loan demands collateral against the loan from applicants.

Secured business loan let you access a huge amount. The amount that you can borrow starts from £5,000 to £3,00,000 and might also vary from lender to lender. Pledging collateral of higher equity and owning a good credit profile might facilitate applicants to borrow more amount. Like any other secured form of loan, secured business loan follow the course of long reimbursement term and stretch it from 10-25 years. Long durations can be regarded as a good option because it makes the repayments easy and balances the monthly installments.

Business professionals who are planning too meet multiple ends or to set up a new business can consider the secured business loan as the right option. In a single amount, borrowers can execute numerous demands like purchasing latest and hi-end machineries, equipments, stationeries, commercial sites, renovation of office. Funds can also be investment in buying stock and shares. So, it is not a raw deal by applying for secured business loan.

Every category of applicants is given a warm welcome to acquire the secured business loan. And with the objective of promoting and encouraging ventures among the new comers, secured business loan is calculated at economical rate of interest. Marginal rates can also be availed if the proffered quotes are compared carefully. To get better results, search with the assistance of online application method.

Secured business loan are provided through online. Applicants can use the online process and get the loans activated within the least time. The time breach between you and the loan can be reduced within an instant only by using the wired procedure.

Thus, with the aid of secured business loan you can set a fresh venture or expand the borders to your expected horizons.

Andrew Baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the residents of the UK. He works for the UK finance world for any type of secured business loan, personal loans, unsecured loans, secured loans, debt consolidation loan visit http://www.ukfinanceworld.co.uk/

Business Loans

Business requires a continuous input of money. Money is the life blood of any business. You will require money to start a new business or to expand an existing one. Businesses require both long term and short term loans. Long term loans are required to buy fixed assets such as land, building and machinery. Short term loans are required for day to day business operations.

Short term loans are usually repaid within one year. They are usually not secured against property. Your credit score will influence the lender's decision of whether to grant you a loan and at what rate. The rates of interest on short term loans are usually higher than the rates on other types of loans.

Long term loans are availed for a longer period of time, usually more than three years. Since such loans are used to buy fixed assets, they are required in large amounts. Lenders require collateral to offset the risk associated with giving bigger loan amounts. Since the long term loans are secured against property, they carry lower rates of interest than unsecured loans.

Lenders ask for certain documents before giving such loans. Some of these documents are:

· Financial statements

· Tax returns

· Papers of the property you are going to offer as a security

· Your credit report

· Your business plan.

If you are a small business owner, you may use your house to take out a loan for your business. A home equity loan is a secured loan that you may avail against your home equity. Since a home equity loan is a secured loan, it will give you all the benefits of a secured loan:

· Low rate of interest

· Flexible repayment terms

· Small monthly installments

· Large loan amount

If you require a small amount for your business, you may also take out a personal loan. You do not need to specify the reason for availing a personal loan. Personal loans are usually unsecured and carry high rates of interest. They are repaid within a short period of time.

Visit [http://www.e-business-loans.co.uk] For more Information on Business Loans.

2011年7月27日 星期三

Business Loan Banks - Funding Your Business Dream

All over the world, most businesspeople have business loans from their banks. This is to secure their business growth. A business loan is where you get some of your capital especially if a businessperson wants to expand their business.

Banks will may provide loans on their businesses because of the big profit they might make. The bigger the amount of loans, the higher interest rates bank can get, provided that your solid plan for your business sounds good.

Applying for business loans is not easy because they have requirements for you to submit especially if you are a first timer in business. You have to make sure that you have everything what the banks needs to approve. But most likely, if you want to have a business loan, bank needs some collateral if you loan for a bigger amount.

If ever you got the desire or ideas and plan for small business and you need some money for capital, you can also have small business loans. Mostly business loans require some documents so always prepare for that and one thing is usually bank will look at your personal credit history.

Especially you are just started to have a business or having your business does not have a long operating history. In this, banks will assume that you operate your business in the same manner that you manage your personal finances so you better bring your credit history record as reference.

If possible, try to bring your financial statements of your business so they can see your financial health where in they can base on how much money you are moving and how much it worth too. Always have an updated business plan and prepared the detailed plan as possible.

A business loan is good if the money you borrow is really intended for business. Remember that it cannot be called a business when there is no profit. So before planning to have a business loan, try to think, plan it well what kind of business you want to have, estimate the overall expenses every day.

Doing business is not as easy as before since there are lots of businesses now a day where in most establishment has it all. Like in malls, you can find different kind of business there. Remember that having a business that prices are competitive unlike when you have your business far away from the city.

Tips if you want to get a business loan from banks:

Extreme planning on what kind of business you want to have. Determine the goal you want for your business.
Shop for the interest rates for the loan
Always ask for an advice to the expert businessperson which is your friend
Plan on how much money you need for your business, estimate your overall daily expenses.
Think twice or thrice before jumping to conclusion of having a business. Go around, observe other business that is in your place, what people needs mostly and which businesses that are profitable.
Never waste the money you borrow for your business and always think that it is your obligation to pay your loan monthly. You have to estimate your profit in order for you to pay your business loan.
If you want to have more knowledge regarding businesses or business loan banks, you can go online through the internet. Remember, knowing or learning is knowledge but jumping to conclusion without studying or having more ideas makes you look stupid.

You can started by finding business loan banks in your area or state. You might also want to check to whether or not you can get any help with a small business bank loan.

For more see Gordon Smith's website or click on the links above.

Secured Business Loans - In Interest Of Your Business

Finance is an integral part of business. And while planning to set up a fresh business or expand the current one, capital must be at hand. If you have insufficient funds then take the help of secured business loans. Here, you can borrow large amount of capital at appropriate time to further your business plans.

Secured business loans are offered only when applicants place a security in the form of property. Any asset can be used as collateral which carry monetary value in the market. For instance: land, commercial and residential estate, machineries and valuable documents correspondingly can be used as collateral. The funds assist and finance your business idea. Business persons can invest the finance for following purposes:

o Setting a fresh business venture requires capital for buying machineries construction plant, the registration process and such related issues.

o Expansion of the business like new plants, update technologies, recruiting of fresh candidates, etc.

o Purchasing of raw materials, wages of employees, transportation expenses, buying stocks and shares etc.

The application and approval process is simple and easy going. By considering the scheme ventures ownership and business professionals can release an amount between £50,000 and £10,00,000. The repayment term is elongated and you can choose any term according to your ability within 3-25 years. There are lenders who even offer the rider to waive payments if any discrepancy occurs.

The loan amount is available at low and reasonable rate of interest. The interest rates are tabled in order to meet every person's budget. Besides this, the exercise of collecting and comparing the loan quotes are rewarding to avail cheap rates that are prevailing in the market. Loan calculator is another such service that helps you to get a preview of the monthly instalments.

Bad credit holders can also obtain the loan amount under the same process. If applicants prefer the online application method then the approval time is shortened because it follows less documentation process. And in a comfortable manner, you can approve the loan.

Secured business loans support your dreams of setting or taking the business empire to your expected horizon.

Pamella Scott is an author who can certainly identify your kind of loan. An unprepared borrower might find it very confusing to get out of the jargon of loans in UK. A loans borrower/user demands for timely, reliable, accessible, comprehensive, relevant and consistent loan service. To find Secured Business Loans [http://www.easyfinance4u.com/secured_business_loan.html], secured loans, secured personal loans, secured debt consolidation loans, secured home improvement loans that best suits your need visit [http://www.easyfinance4u.com/]

2011年7月26日 星期二

Small Woman Business Loans - For All Kinds of Businesses

In the present scenario, women are offering their valuable participation in each and every field. Even the business industry is witnessing a good percentage of woman entrepreneurs, who have made decent efforts to develop this sector with their commendable performance. Hence, with the motive of encouraging more women to choose business as their occupation, small woman business loans have been introduced in the finance market. These loans are intelligently crafted to support the financial needs of any kind of business. Moreover, these loans are widely considered to help out all those woman entrepreneurs who are yet to make their mark because of some funding problem.

With small woman business loans, one can easily receive a substantial amount of funds to purchase equipments, to revamp your business or to simply pay the labors of your firm. However, to avail a good loan deal, it is important for the borrowers to do some basic groundwork. First of all they should sincerely create a summarized profile of their business strategies and plans that mainly highlights the genuine profit prospects. By offering such informative, detailed description of your business, it would be easy for you to convince the lender and thus, your chances of getting a high loan amount will increase. The exclusive range of small woman business loans is available for all kinds of borrowers. Even those borrowers who have managed to procure low credit rating are eligible to apply for this loan under certain conditions.

Small woman business loans are offered as both secured and unsecured loans. In order to avail secured loans, borrowers are expected to place some collateral as security whereas in unsecured form of this loan, no security is required to be submitted. However, it is true that secured loans offer a higher amount of funds and lower rate of interest in comparison to the unsecured loans. But on the other hand, unsecured small woman business loans are more like credit cards as you borrow the money with placing any down payment in the form of security. Moreover, this loan option becomes the most suitable option for all those women who wish to develop their businesses, but are not blessed with the provision of decent collateral. Hence, both these options have their own set of pros and cons.

Nowadays, almost every finance company, bank and money lending agency is offering the quick assistance of small woman business loans. Hence, if you are also running a small business firm or searching for genuine funds resources for establishing your new small business company, then consider the this loan option for a valuable financial assistance. You can easily gather more information on these loans and lenders dealing in this loan through the sources of internet, loans directories and finance consultancies. Once you get a list of reliable lenders, make efforts to fill up the requisition form on the website of these lenders to place your demand of free quotations. These quotes, in turn, will help you in deciding the most suitable loan deal that suits your requirements in an appropriate manner.

Barry Jones is a financial expert dealing with business loans, who provides counseling and expert knowledge on business loans UK. To know more about Business loans and small business loans,bad credit business loans, small woman business loans visit http://www.businessloansintheuk.co.uk

Secured Business Loans UK - Deal With The Best

While looking for a loan, a business professional of UK aims at deriving maximum benefits from it. And a loan which gives maximum benefit is to have motley of security in its pack. The search includes security of cheap rates, big amount with easy terms. And, the package of secured business loans UK has got all of these.

In secured business loans UK, applicants can place any property of his which have monetary value like land, commercial sites, house, car and valuable papers. The amount advanced in secured business loans UK is large which enables borrowers to execute numerous expenses. Borrowers can purchase machineries, official sites, equipments and stationeries with the help of secured business loans UK.

Secured business loans UK allocate funds for both new and existing business plans. The UK entrepreneurs can borrow funds to set-up fresh business or can to expand the current one. In both cases, the person can borrow lump sum amount to invest in business related activities. Secured business loans UK, assist financially the UK citizens with its rewarding policies.

Secured business loans UK can also be marked for its excellent attractive offers of interest. Based on facts and data of the economic fluctuations in the society the rates of interest are calculated, and consequently every person can spot the rate according to ones repaying ability. Furthermore, the competitive atmosphere facilitates the borrowers to obtain a marginal rate.

The policies and offers of secured business loans UK can also be subscribed by bad creditors of UK. There entrepreneurs having any such bad or adverse credit history like arrears, defaults, bankruptcy and late payments can also borrow the loan and invest in their business. While applying for secured business activities the business persons should always produce their credit details which make the approval process easy.

Business persons can approve or obtain advantages of secured business loans UK in the easiest and convenient way through the online application procedure. This procedure is simple and reliable for every applicant. So, secured business loans UK is equipped with all those privileges which are necessary to nurture or add life to business.

Richie Morgan is offering loan advice for quite some time. Secured Business Loans UK has a vast network of lenders who provide loans to the borrowers at lower APR. To find online secured business loans, personal secured business loans, secured personal business loans visit http://www.securedbusinessloansuk.co.uk

2011年7月25日 星期一

Facts and Findings of Business Loans

Business loans can be the lifeline of any kind of business from small shops to large showrooms and home based manufacturing companies to large manufacturing companies can need extra cash to keep business operations moving. Normally loans for business purposes are provided by banks. Banks tend to offer loans to those who can meet their strict criterion which is basically an assessment of applicants' loan returning capacity. The banks review the applicants past records, credit history, current assets and liabilities to determine the likelihood of repayment before approving the loan amount. The bank offers a fixed loan amount irrespective of what actually maybe needed because it relies on its findings rather than the necessary commitments the funds were applied for to meet.

Business loans are also offered by various financial institutions. Numerous financial companies provide cash in hand against the businesses gross monthly sales. These institutions are also guided by a set of requirements but they are less stringent than those of the banks. Small businesses that find it difficult to get approved for money from the banks can approach these financial institutions and receive a loan with a good sum of money. These companies can tweak their rules to favor their customers because they are more aggressive in distributing loans than banks usually are. This is most likely the reason why financial institutions are preferred by businesspeople for obtaining business loans.

A quick survey of the process for obtaining business loans from financial companies as well as from the banks can reveal why people rely on them for money. The financial companies employ a user friendly loan process; however, the banks follow a cumbersome procedure which not every businessperson can understand or follow.

The time it takes for processing and approving a loan is very crucial and financial institution score high marks in this criterion. Banks may take any number of days or weeks to give a decision on approving a loan but private companies assert that they can provide loans in as little as hours. The conditions set forth by private companies are easier to meet and are reasonable while banks sometime make tough demands which many businesses can't meet.

The interest charged on the amount of the loan by private institutions and banks are similar.

These are some of the reasons why businesses are choosing companies that are providing private business loans over bank loans. Business loans are a necessity and business owners are less concerned about who is providing them the loan. They will approach the financing institution which provides them with a quick loan at reasonable interest rate. Financial institutions check the current economic health of the business before approving the loan. If the business is doing well then they find no reason to deny the quick loan.

Robert Ellenbecker has been associated with the banking industry for a long time and today he is an authority on micro finance. His articles on business loans, cash advances and credit card processing are informative and make a good read. For more information visit Business loans.

2011年7月24日 星期日

9 Things You Must Do To Maximize Your Chances Of Obtaining A Small Business Loan

To get approval for your small business loan application, you must be able to meet the lending criteria set down. Some organisations are more risk averse than others, and will therefore have more stringent criteria. To vastly increase your chances of a successful funding application, you will need to present the following information:

1. The reason for the loan. The lender will be looking for something that fits within the normal range and expertise of your business. The amount may cover a number of items, so you will need to cover each.

2. The amount required, and the repayment term of the small business loan you want. (e.g. $10,000 term 5 years, payable quarterly).

3. Details of how you will repay the amount borrowed. For example, "From the increase in profits of reduced running costs of the Whizzbang Go4It"

4. Details of security you will be able to offer to the lender. This will act as reassurance for the lender. If you're not prepared to put up some aspect of security, then why should they?

5. You will need to include your business plan which will serve to answer essential questions relating to management capabilities, information about the market you operate in. What kind of business you are in etc.

6. 3 Years financial statements. You will need to present quality financial information from your accounting software, preferably signed off by your accountant or tax advisor.

7. Latest Set of Management accounts. Again produced from your accounting software.

8. Accounts receivables (debtors) and payables (creditors) ageing reports.

9. Principals financial statements. - Particularly required if some form of security is necessary.

If you are a new company, the emphasis is going to be on your business plan , and the security (also called collateral) you or your business can provide against the loan.

You must take the time to practice presenting your case to the bank or lender to iron out any glitches. Practice on your colleagues and family (you never know, they might be so impressed, they'll invest or lend!). It may help to role play the lender and come up with as many pointy questions as possible. The more time you take the better your chances will be. (But remember, don't fall into the analysis paralysis trap!)

Good luck!

About The Author

This article was written by Neil Best, an accountant with over 15 years experience in business finance. The article and other useful business finance information including sample business plans Sourcing and applying for small business grants and how to approach potential investors can be found at Small Business Finance Tips

2011年7月23日 星期六

When You Can't Pay Your Business Loan - 3 Steps To Take Immediately

There will come a time to most businesses where they struggle to make loan payments. It is just the nature of business and a fact of our ever fluctuating economy.

Just think about the business slowdown that happened with the 2008 financial crisis.

If you find yourself or your business in this position - not being able to pay your business loan - here are three steps that you should take immediately:

1) Review Your Loan Document: Your loan documents will state specifically what a lender can do in the event of a default. While you should have read these in detail when signing them, most of us do not. So, read them now!

Your loan documents will outline when you are considered in default, what fees and interest rate increases you may face, what assets (business or personal) that can be taken as well as any other recourse the bank or lender may be able to take against you and your business - including what courts they can use or if it can only go to an arbitrator of their choice.

The idea is to arm yourself with as much knowledge about this process and what a lender can do. Many bankers will try to do underhanded things - mostly because they don't want a loan they underwrote to make them look bad.

2) Call Your Lender: The reasoning here is to make them aware. Thus, it does not come as such a blow to them. A mad banker or lender is very hard to work with.

Also, if you have a guarantee on your loan - like with a SBA loan - call them as well.

The goal here is to try to work out a deal. Your bank would rather work a deal with you then to have to incur the added costs of seeking a judgment against you or taking and selling your collateral (personal or otherwise) - especially if they think that they will not get anything in return for the added costs.

So, try to work out a deal. Try to get your interest rate reduced or your fees waived. Set up a payment schedule or extend the term on the original loan; making the payment more manageable.

3) Create A Payment Plan: Create a payment plan with what money you have left as well as the assets that you can sell right away for immediate cash.

Get a list and amounts of all the cash resources you can muster as well as the 'fire sale' value of all the assets you are willing to sell off immediately (do know that if there is a lien on some of your business assets, you cannot sell them without the lien holders approval - thus see number 2 above regarding working with your lender).

Once in place, prioritize who will get paid - e.g. who should get paid first!

You always want to pay your employees and your tax liabilities first. Not paying these could land you in jail. You definitely want to avoid this.

Also, look at those who have additional claims on your business or assets. Your suppliers who may only have claims on the goods or supplies you purchased from them. They could be moved down the list.

But, your bank or lender could have an additional claim on all your business assets as well as (and here is the kicker) your personal assets. Thus, look to pay them first or near the top. You definitely do not want to lose your personal asset - like your house, car, retirement fund, stocks or other valuable heirlooms or personal possessions.

Lastly, never file for bankruptcy. Only use this option as a last (a very last) resort. The reason is that filing bankruptcy on your business will severely impact your personal future life as well. Thus, a few years down the road when you want to purchase a new house or a new car or even try to get a job or insurance, this will come back and haunt you - much more than just having some late pays or charge offs on your credit report.

The overall goal of these 3 steps is to reduce the damage - both to you and your business. If you can manage this entire process in the right way - making deals and paying those high priority first - you might be able to come out of this mostly unscathed; which can only help you in the long-run.

Thus, if you find yourself unable to pay your business loan, follow these three simple steps and try to minimize the damage as best as your can.

Joseph Lizio holds a MBA in Finance and Entrepreneurship, is the founder of Business Money Today, has a strong commercial lending background and is regarded as an expert in business and finance - specifically business loans and working capital.

Need a Loan For Business? Consider a Secured Business Loan

In the world of business especially business financing, there is to me no end of options for the small-business owners to look at when it comes to financing expansion and as such getting some type of business loan. In short, there seems to be so much choice that it can be quite overwhelming. However, if you're looking at a loan to expand your business and you want to make sure that it is the right loan for you you may want to consider a secured business loan. This type of loan is several different advantages for both the lender and borrower is something that you need to take a look at before you make your final decision.

This type?has the advantage of potentially garnering the poor will lower interest rates simply because it is secured and the reason for that is in comparison with an unsecured business loan, the risk is split between the poor and the lender. Typically, you must put up some form of asset as collateral as well. This of course has the advantage of making the Boro rethink exactly how much of the loan he needs as well as whether or not he should get it in the first place

That being said, secured business loan also has the advantage of being a faster loan to get. The reason for this of course is that with the borrower putting the collateral, the lender has every reason to speed the loan through a little bit faster than they would if it was an unsecured loan for which the lender takes most of the risk. And this is also good in another respect in that it really does make the borrower consider all of his or her options rather than just rushing in to get a loan that he thinks he needs.

For more go to secured business loan.

2011年7月22日 星期五

Business Loan Difficulties - Solutions for Bars and Restaurants

Many traditional lenders have unofficially removed bar and restaurant properties from their short list of business loan candidates. Other lenders will restrict their restaurant lending to a handful of restaurant businesses with a long track record. There are two dominant reasons for these actions by traditional lenders:

(1) Bars and restaurants will usually have the highest failure rate among new businesses. Traditional banks have discovered that an infallible strategy for avoiding such business loan failures is to avoid making these kinds of loans in the first place.

(2) Commercial mortgages for bars and restaurants will involve special financing requirements for liquor licenses and items generally categorized as FF&E (furniture, fixtures and equipment). As a result, there will be a perceived intermingling of various assets looked upon as collateral by the traditional banks, and this extra level of complexity discourages many traditional lenders from actively making commercial real estate loans to bar and restaurant owners.


(1) I believe that one of the primary underlying reasons for a high failure rate among bars and restaurants is directly due to the commercial borrower being forced into short-term financing when long-term financing is essential to the health of the business investment. Businesses (and especially restaurant and bar properties) should not be financed with short-term funds. It is essential to obtain long-term commercial financing of at least 15-20 years (and longer is even better).

(2) Seller seconds and other variations of subordinate financing should be considered. This will permit the most aggressive commercial financing for bar and restaurant commercial mortgages, up to 90% of the property value. This is important if you are the buyer because it will provide another financial tool to help with financing. It is important to the seller because it might enable someone to buy the property who could not otherwise do so. Subordinate financing (including seller seconds) is not permitted by many/most traditional banks.

(3) For bar and restaurant loans under $1 million, a Stated Income commercial mortgage should be actively considered. This form of commercial financing will not require income tax returns or other income verification. This especially benefits self-employed bar/restaurant borrowers who frequently have income that is erratic and difficult to document properly. Stated Income commercial real estate loans are not provided by many/most traditional banks.

(4) Finally, restaurants and bars will frequently benefit from using credit card receivables to convert future cash flow into immediate working capital via a business cash advance up to $300,000.

Copyright 2005-2006 AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Stephen Bush is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC ( aexcommercialfinancing.com ). Steve provides commercial financing assistance throughout the United States and is the publisher of The Commercial Mortgage Loans Guide ( aexcfgllc.com ) and The Credit Card Receivables Guide ( aexcfg.com ). Information about enrolling for a free online seven-part Commercial Mortgage Course or a free online six-part series of Special Commercial Financing Reports is available at all AEX Commercial Financing Group, LLC websites.

Small Business Loans - Funds For Independent Earnings

If you believe in being your own master and want to start a business for earning a good income independently, then small business loans can serve the purpose. These loans are specially created for helping the people who are new to the business field and wish to make a beginning by opening a small business, though establish business people are also eligible to borrow for a new venture or for any other financial needs.

These loans require the borrower to submit a business plan to the lender. The plan should clearly show the prospects of the trade and its likely profit in the coming day. Another aspect that the lenders want to ensure is that the business should be capable of generating enough money for repaying the loan installment. The applicants' individual capability should also be sufficient to repay the loan.

Depending on the requirement, small business loans are given in secured or unsecured options. The secured loan comes against a valued property for collateral, until the period the loan is fully paid back. Usually, such loan is taken either for borrowing greater amount that may go up to £75000, or for borrowing any amount at low rate of interest. These loans can be repaid in larger duration ranging from 5 to 30 years. This is an ideal loan for bad credit borrowers as they are easily approved against collateral.

The unsecured loan option should be explored for smaller amount of loan ranging from £3000 to £25000 for a short duration of one to 15 years without collateral. But interest rate will be little higher in the absence of collateral.

Bad credit history tags like late payments, payment defaults and CCJs require you to make a good amount of down payment to the lender. Otherwise the interest rate will be higher. Make sure that you have checked your credit report and have made it free of errors before applying for the loan.

Martin Maxie has completed master in finance and working as professional financial consultant. To find bad credit loans, instant loans, business startup loans, bed debt loans that best suits your needs visit http://www.baddebtloans.me.uk/.

2011年7月21日 星期四

Interest Free Small Business Loans

In June, the Small Business Administration announced America's Recovery Capital (ARC) Loan Program, a new plan intended to relieve pressure on existing small businesses that are having a hard time paying debts because of the recession.

The SBA usually guarantees only 85% of a small business loan, but in this case will guaranty 100% of the loan amount, making the lenders feel more secure about giving a hand up to struggling small business owners.

Fast Facts about the ARC small business loans:

Borrowers can receive up to $35,000.
The loans are entirely interest free for the borrowers.
The loans will be disbursed in six payments.
Payments can be used for mortgages, leases, lines of credit, leases, vendors, home equity loans used for business-related expenses, and for business cards.
No repayments are due until 12 months after the final disbursements.
Business owners have five years to repay the loans.

Qualifying businesses must be viable, i.e., they must provide financial statements for the previous two years showing they had at least one year of positive cash flow. They must also prove they've suffered declining sales or revenues, increasing expenses, cash shortages because of frozen inventory or receivables, accelerated debt or reduced or frozen credit lines, or difficult making payroll or meeting operating expenses.

In the current economic climate, millions of businesses probably meet the criteria, so there will be stiff competition for the loans. The SBA set aside $225 million to fund the ARC Loans, all of which will be used before September 2010.

As with all SBA small business loans, business owners have to meet the SBA's standard of an acceptable credit score, but given that the loans are intended for businesses that can't pay their bills, that threshold should be pretty low. Interested business owners must apply through a small business lender approved by the SBA.

To learn more about small business loans you can visit AmericaOneUnsecured.com. They have helped millions of consumers receive loans since 1999.

Woman Business Loans- Offers Easy Cash Flow

To enhance the spirit of business women in the business, today business loans are offered to the woman so that they don't get interrupted due to lack of cash. Woman business loans help the women to meet ever rising expenses in the business with easy cash flow.

Woman business loans are designed keeping in mind the basic necessities that business woman comes across in her business. No doubt, capital requirement of the business varies from the type of business i.e. higher if you are starting a new business compared to the seasoned business.

Therefore, woman business loans can be used for varied purposes like buying new machinery, furniture, patent, raw material etc. for the new business. Whereas, in seasoned business, business loan can be used for business upgradation, business expansion, recruitment or day-to day expenses etc.

While availing woman business loan, a woman must know that they can avail either secured or unsecured business loan for smooth cash flow i.e. depending upon the borrower's financial and credit history.

The secured business loans are taken against the some collateral so that it is placed against the security. Collateral can be borrower's land, office premises, machinery etc. Therefore, in secured business loans, borrower enjoys the larger amount at cheaper rates and for longer time frame.

On the other hand, unsecured business loans do not require any collateral though interest rate charged is relatively high compared to secured loans. The best part of unsecured business loan is that they are approved within shorter time period as no time is utilized in the collateral evaluation.

Women with adverse credit i.e. poor or bad credit like CCJ's, IVA, defaults, bankrupts or arrear holders can also access woman business loan. However, proper and diligent repayment can even improve their credit rating.

Woman business loans are easily accessed through banks, financial companies and online lenders. So while opting for the woman business loan don't rush in making a fast decision as you must compare and contrast the interest rates, repayment option etc for a suitable deal.

So, if you have an innovative idea in your mind for your business doesn't worry as for you, woman business loans are designed.

Ben Gannon is a senior financial analyst at Woman Business Loans with an acumen for business and loans. In recent years he has taken up to provide independent financial advice through his informative articles. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of writing and thoroughly researched datas. To find Woman business loans, woman business loan start up uk, advance woman business loans, bad credit woman business loan, online woman business loans uk visit http://www.womanbusinessloans.co.uk/

2011年7月20日 星期三

Small Business Loans - Your Efforts Get A Chance Here

Only thinking of the word "business" reminds you of finance. You know it better that finances are the life line of a business. Whether it is your existing business or to start a new one, both seek a regular inflow of cash for their successful running. Since, these amounts are usually of larger volume, you may seek an external help, for the unavailability of proper funds with you. Small business loans can fit your requirement there well, as it is mainly devised for your business purposes.

You can go for small business loans to equip your business with the required funds. Here, your approval more depends on the presentation you make with your business plan. Your business plan should clearly depict the need of requirement of the funds. So a skillful business plan attached with creative idea can niche a path for good sum with this loan that generally varies form £5000 to £250000.

The common business purposes that are solved with this loan are, purchasing machinery and plants, buying raw materials, acquisition of office premises or land, or even to consolidate any debts attached with your business.

You can avail this loan either in the secured or unsecured form. In secured form, the same business asset or any of your other assets is kept as collateral that fetch a lower rate for you. While the unsecured form is collateral free and has a slightly higher rate of interest.

This loan facility is available even in your bad credit condition. So, you can apply here without any hesitation of rejection of your form for your lower credit score.

Small business loans help you find the appropriate sum for your business. This loan enables you to convert your effort into a successful venture and niche a path for instant success in your career. Here, you find a viable source of fund that makes you possible to avail even the larger sum with your loan facility.

Ben Gannon is a senior financial analyst at Woman Business Loans with an acumen for business and loans. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. To find Small Business Loans, business loans uk, start up business loans for woman, woman business loans visit http://www.womanbusinessloans.co.uk

Are Bad Credit Small Business Loans Better Than Venture Capitalism?

Starting a business without the right amount of capital, one may seek partnership with a venture capitalist or get into a bad credit small business loan. Which among the two options is more preferred and provides better financial status to the business?

Studies support that engaging with a venture capitalist would require the business owner a valuable equity and that would even be too risky as the capitalist might have a huge possibility of controlling and owning the business especially when it is no longer doing well in the market.

The other alternative for borrowers who have a bad credit record is the bad credit small business loan. It provides easy loan money to the borrower without requiring too many paper requirements especially credit records.

Most financial institutions offering bad credit small business loans have designed the facility with affordable, flexible, and simple loan programs that could range from as small as $5,000 to $500,000. The loan approval won't take you so long to wait. In just a matter of 5 working days, the money you borrowed is given immediately.

Most loan programs also provide friendly payment schemes especially fitted to the capacity and kind of the business. The payment scheme may be in 26, 40, or 52 weeks depending on the nature and capacity of the business involved.

The loan amounts would highly vary from 4 percent to 8 percent of annual sales as stated on the current or projected sales record to be submitted to the lending company. Thus, the borrower would have to present some minimal documentation as basis for the loan amount to be determined by the lender. If the sales showed an increase, this is one good factor for the company to allow and approve an additional cash loan.

For more information about Bad Credit Small Business Loan [http://www.bad-credit-loans-zone.com/article-12-Bad-Credit-Small-Business-Loan.html], feel free to visit us at: [http://www.bad-credit-loans-zone.com/article-12-Bad-Credit-Small-Business-Loan.html]

2011年7月19日 星期二

Enhance Your Business Prospect With Business Loans

Needing finance for a business purpose can be obvious with any one. Finance is one of the important ingredients of the business that is usually absent with an individual for its considerably bigger figure. Your requirements are easily fulfilled with business loans, as it can arrange any sum for your business.

Business loans can help you accomplish any purpose attached your business. It can be obtained in either of the cases of starting a new business or for the existing one. the investment of loan amount is not restricted anywhere, you can utilize the received amount on a number of business expenses such as, purchasing machinery and plants, buying raw materials, acquisition of land or office premises, paying salary and wages etc.

The loan amount and terms can be changed with your profile or the form of the loan you choose there. You can avail this loan either in secured or unsecured forms depending upon your convenience or requirements. The secured form is backed by business asset or your home and can provide always larger sum on lower rate. However, the unsecured form is collateral free and can be provided assessing your financial prospect or repaying capability. Here you can have somewhat smaller loan amount and higher rate. Although the loan amount that is generally available with these loans varies from £10000 to £100000 with flexible longer and flexible repayment duration of 1 to 25 years.

Besides all these facts, the chances for these loans much depend upon the way your business plan is presented before the lenders. The business plan should clearly mark out the financial statement, income forecast and feasibility of the requirement of finance there.

Accessing the lenders is not a tedious task. You can find the lenders in number and even on the internet. The online lenders that are available round the clock on the internet can be contacted for a hassle free and easier processing.

Business loans now not only help you financially but niche a path to enhance your financial prospect. With the right financial help you are enabled to get start with a self driven earning option that help you find the best out put of your effort. These loans give the chances to every one and never discriminate you for your particular circumstances.

Ben Gannon is a senior financial analyst at Woman Business Loans with an acumen for business and loans.To find Business Loans, business loans UK, small business loans, start up business loans for woman, woman business loans visit http://www.womanbusinessloans.co.uk

Commercial Business Loans - Finance A Project At Easy Terms

You have located a commercial property having great potential for earning profit and expending your business but you do not have required funds at hand. Well here is commercial business loans made especially for the purpose. Commercial business loans are easily available to business people provided some conditions are fulfilled. You can buy any commercial property through commercial business loans or you are able to buy raw material or you can pay off debts.

Taking a cheaper loan is every business person's concern while searching for the lender. A business person can ensure lower interest rate on opting for secured business loans. For securing the loan, business people have to offer any of their property like home but usually the very commercial property one intends to buy or any other commercial under the name of the applicant is made collateral. While deciding over collateral, take note that lenders usually have this tendency of offering commercial business loans after valuation of the commercial property.

Lenders want to ensure that the commercial property in concern is generating sufficient income or has the potential to do so. So the type of commercial property you are investing the loan in matters most for the lender. The commercial property is linked directly with the borrower's repayment capacity. Amount borrowed as commercial business loans is spent on the acquiring the property. So the borrower must have sufficient surplus income for paying installments of commercial business loans regularly. This is made easier if the commercial property is already generating income or may do so immediately. So see if the commercial project is commercially viable enough. This way a commercial business loan will be in your hands very smoothly and at cheaper interest rate. Since mostly commercial business loans are secured loans, and therefore risks are remote, the lenders give larger repayment duration of 5 to 30 years. This enables a business person in reducing monthly outgo towards installments and he can save lot of money for other business usages.

Even if a business person suffers from bad credit, commercial business loans are there for easy taking, though lenders may take extra caution. Lenders would like to ensure that you have adequate surplus income for paying back the loan installments. As usually commercial business loans are secured by bad credit borrower's property, risks involved for the lenders are very few in offering the loan.

Make an extensive comparison of various commercial business loans providers. There are lenders who provide the loan for a certain commercial property. So find out the right lender for your type of business. Compare interest rate and terms-conditions as well. Apply to an online lender for faster approval of the loan.

Surely your business can leap forward through taking commercial business loans. Pay the installments regularly so that a debt burden does not come in way of your business. When installments are paid in time, the loan repairs your credit score as well.

Andrew Baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT.He works for the UkFinance World for any type of loans as Commercial business loans, loan, unsecured loans, secured loans, debt consolidation loan please visit http://www.ukfinanceworld.co.uk

2011年7月18日 星期一

Can Small Business Loans Be an Effective Tool for Your Business?

As a small business owner you know that outside of paying for everything yourself, there's going to come a time when you need to use other people's money. Most often this comes in the form of small business loans. But you may be wondering whether or not these can be an effective tool for your business. This is a valid question as many small-business owner simply before to use the profits derived from the business to pay for things that the business needs to maintain its health and of course to grow. However, there are certain things that are more than your business be able to handle. In cases like these this is where the financial tools you mentioned come in handy.

Small business loans can be used to help rapidly expand your business and of course to keep your business from running in the red. Something else to consider that if you use it wisely is the tool that it is your business will be better for and you will be better for a as it can teach you how to properly handle loans so that you don't just get them and spend frivolously. Something else to consider is that having money on hand especially for some emergencies when it comes to the business is always a good idea and as such small business loans can be effective tool that have multiple uses that you may not even thought of yet.

Indeed when used properly small business loans can be an effective tool for growing, maintaining and helping your business to be everything that you've envisioned. And when you use it to kick the goals that you set then you allow the problem paying it back because you want more customers and clients and therefore work that you can comfortably do this. Always remember that you need to have the facilities to pay back these financial tools. And if you don't, then you will not want to get small business loans for what is the use of having a business if you're in debt from the moment you open up shop?

For more information go to small business loans

Minority Business Loans Do Not Exist - Stop Your Search Now!

Are you seriously considering minority business loans as a source of business start up funding for your new venture? Stop your search! Minority small business loans simply do not exist.  I realize that you may find this vital piece of information quite shocking -- but it is nonetheless true.  

As a Start Up Business Consultant, I often have the unfortunate job of telling potential clients that minority business loans are a fairytale and not a fact. Oddly enough, I get the exact same reaction when I tell these same clients that small business start up grants are also nearly impossible to garner. So what is the good news?  The good news is that I'm about to save you a lot of potentially wasted time and effort by giving you the facts. 


Get the Facts!


Let's check out these valuable tidbits before we proceed by examining some options -- and the ultimate solution.


Fact #1

There are no specific business start up loans for members of a minority group.


Fact #2

The only forms of government guaranteed financing available to minorities are SBA loan products.


Fact #3: 

Minority small business start up grants do not exist.


What Government Programs Exist to Help Minorities?


So what help is available to members of a minority group? The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) operates under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This government agency was established to give minority entrepreneurs the tools necessary to successfully compete in national and global markets. This agency however, does not offer minority business loans, nor do they hand out minority business start up grants.


Why is there So Much Misinformation about Minority Business Loans?


In 1977 the US Congress passed a law known as the Community Reinvestment Act. This law prohibited lenders from engaging in discriminatory loan practices in low income communities. This law was specifically intended to encourage banks to approve a larger percentage of loans to minorities. The passage of this law does not constitute a lending program specifically for members of a minority group. It was intended however to require that financial institutions give fair and unbiased consideration to minority loan applicants.


What Are My Start Up Financing Options?


Here are the most common methods of obtaining small business start up funding: 

SBA Loans
Commercial Loans
Home Equity Loans
Peer-to-Peer Lending Groups (such as Prosper and Zopa)
Credit Card Financing
Loans from Family and Friends
Consider Getting Some Help from a Start Up Efficiency Expert


A Start Up Efficiency Expert can point you in the right direction and advise you on how to reduce and/or eliminate many of your start up and operating costs. Certainly, you should also continue to conduct thorough research.  However, do not trust every source of information you find floating out in cyberspace. You'll not only waste a lot of time - but perhaps face staggering disappointment. 


The Solution

Find Free Sources of Business Start Up Funding


The Start Up Business Survival Guide is an excellent resource for anyone desiring to start a business with very little money. You can make your dreams of owning your own business without bank loans a reality - even if you have poor credit or don't own a home.  

Kimberly Kelly teaches new entrepreneurs the secrets for finding free sources of business start up funding through her ebooks, seminars and coaching services. She is the author of the popular selling ebook: The Start-Up Business Survival Guide: 101 FREE Products and Services to Help Finance Your Dream of Successful Business Ownership. Visit her website at http://www.StartUpBusinessSurvivalGuide.com

2011年7月17日 星期日

Online Business Loan - It's Not Always As Easy As Many Think

When you need funds to take care of business, and you have no clue where you are going to get the money from, you really do not have much to worry about. There are several online services that provide loans for small businesses these days, and most of them are just looking for more and more customers. All you have to do is apply for the online small business loan that they offer, and you can have the funds you need in virtually no time at all.

With the online loan industry developing as fast as it is in modern day, a lot of lenders are looking for ways to make their services easier to access; many of them have simplified their online loan application forms to the barest that they can make it so that on some websites today, you can actually complete the application process for the loan in record time, and conclude the approval process in even less time.

Of course, you are still going to have to inform the online loan service of the nature of the business that you require funding for. Many people think these loans are always very easy to get; yes they are, but there are certain things that have to be taken care of before you can be given the loans, especially if the money needed is a lot.

Online loans for small businesses may take more time processing than most other online loans. This is because an appraisal of the nature of your business interests will have to be carried out to determine the risk factor involved in doing business with you. To achieve this, a neutral third party may be brought in to offer their professional opinion; otherwise the lender can send in a representative of their company to evaluate your trade.

Furthermore, they will want to see a proposal of what you are planning to do with the money so that they can tell by weighing it up by themselves to determine what its chances for success are.

To know best Business Online Loan and why YOU need Business Loan Online,

How to Find the Right Business Loan or Mortgage

With so many different options a borrower can choose from when looking to finance a business or commercial property, it may be difficult to decide what will work best for you or your company. For example, there are SBA loans for small businesses and bridge loans for those who are looking to finance short-term. However, two of the most popular business loan and mortgage options for larger investments are commercial real estate loans and commercial mortgages. These are traditional business loans and mortgages for professionals interested in financing professional real estate.

Below are a few different options your lender might give you when financing your business investment. It is important to choose the right loan or mortgage that will work best for you and your plans.

Commercial real estate loans are available on all types of income producing and commercial properties, including; shopping centers, motels and apartments, office buildings, automobile dealerships, health care facilities, owner occupied buildings, manufacturing facilities and more.

Commercial mortgages often include much of the above, as well as; industrial buildings, golf courses, resorts, hotels, parking garages, car washes, construction loans, ground leases, seconds, and wraparounds.

If you are looking to finance any of the above properties long-term, rather than a small business or short-term loan, these options are probably the best for you.

Often a lender can provide fast and easy real estate loans designed for the small commercial building owner or investor. The borrowing process is simplified for small commercial building owners or investors, and lenders will offer very competitive rates, terms and costs. Loan amounts will range from $500K to $2 Million.

Another option might be a commercial mortgage over $2 Million. These loans offer many options for the owners or purchasers of larger commercial properties. Extremely competitive rates and terms are often available by your lender for office, industrial, retail, warehouse, manufacturing, R&D, resort, hotel and health care facilities.

Visit Security National Capital at www.sncloans.com today to learn more about business loans and mortgages.

Michael Southard is the Vice President of Security National Capital.

2011年7月16日 星期六

Want to Expand Your Business? Then You May Want to Consider a Quick Business Loan

In the world of small business, finance plays a major role in whether or not businesses get expansion or whether they fail entirely. As a business owner, you know that eventually if you wish to take the business to the heights that you agree you may need to look at getting some type of business loan. This can be secured loan, unsecured loan, hard money loan or any one of the memorable options with more coming every single day. Of course, one thing you are going to have to consider is how fast you want this particular loan to get to your business bank account. This of course will require you to decide exactly which facet of your business you want to expand which can be tough if you are in both a physical product and a service niche at the same time. However, if you want things to move quickly you may want to consider a quick business loan.

Of course, a quick business loan has its advantage in speed is much faster to get than a traditional business loan and often times the best way to get one of these is through the Internet. Of course, the same cautions apply here as in the brick-and-mortar world. First of all, you want to make sure that the company that you are looking at getting your financial details to has been around for some amount of time. It doesn't have to be full however you also want to deal with a company that's just set up shop yesterday. Another thing you want to make sure that you look at it is what type of information that they need so that they can process your quick business loan.

This is important as each company can have different requirements which can be based on where the company is located in relation to you. For instance, company located in Florida has to abide by that state's laws if you're in Vermont that you can see that there might be a problem. Something else you want to consider of course is how much you actually need the loan that you're thinking about.

A quick business loan can be an excellent idea but as always you need to make sure that you can cover the loan amount and that it is something that will almost immediately benefit the growth of your business. Once you've done those two things then you will be clear to get the money that you need.

For more go to quick business loan.

What Are Some Advantages of Unsecured Business Loans?

If you've been in the process of starting up your own business, or are helping someone do so, then you must know that the biggest factor that determines whether or not that business succeeds is not its marketing. Nor is it the sales people. And it certainly isn't whether or not the website is cutting edge. The one factor upon which your hopes and dreams rest, the one thing that determines whether or not your business will succeed is cashflow. That is, the ability to maintain enough cash in the business to pay for expenses, such as equipment, overhead such as lighting, rent and heat, and of course, to pay the owner. After all, its why you started your business in the first place right? With this in mind, you may want to consider unsecured business loans to aid in cashflow.

That said, there are times, especially when your business is just starting out, where you will need more cash than you have on hand. Here again, unsecured business loans can be of great help. But have you stopped to consider some of the advantages of them? For one thing, as opposed to secured business loans, where you have to have some for of security to offer the lender (your house, or car for instance) unsecured business loans require no such thing. This in and of itself is a great advantage, especially when you're looking to access cash quickly, whether it be to move your business from the garage to an actual office, or to purchase much needed software or computers, or even to start the hiring process and ensure you can actually pay your staff at the end of the pay period.

Another advantage of unsecured business loans is that should you be late, you may not pay late fees. Say that the monthly payment on the loan is due on the 5th of the month, but the business can't pay it until the 10th. This is not a problem as there is a grace period during which you can pay the outstanding monthly payment without late charges. Why would the lender do this? Simple: they understand that if you (and your business) have a good experience with them, you will most likely come back for more unsecured business loans and be more likely to recommend their service to your friends and family. This ultimately means more customers and income for them. In short, they'll want to make the process of obtaining unsecured business loans as easy as possible. Just don't go in unprepared.

Finally, another advantage of unsecured business loans is the fact that the funds can be used for anything so long as it relates to the business. This of course covers a lot of ground and doesn't just mean use for equipment purchases or overhead. It can be used to obtain the first in a fleet of company trucks for instance. And it can also be used to offset entertainment expenses (i.e. food) incurred provided that it was during the course of business, say, having a lunch meeting with a potential client.

As always, the thing to remember is that they need to be used judiciously. For more information, go to unsecured business loans at http://www.unsecuredbizloan.com/

2011年7月15日 星期五

Unsecured Business Loan - Cash For Any of Your Business Reasons

If you are looking for additional finance for boosting up your business or aiming to start a new business, you need to gain the knowledge about unsecured business loan. It can be the finest financial source that offers you help to take care of your financial needs or moreover also helpful if you requires finance to invest in your business.

You can obtain the loan money to fulfill any number of needs that includes the following:

-Inject as working capital

-Cover your cash flows

-Purchase machinery

-Buy a land for office premises

-Expand existing business

-Get stocks and so on.

As its name suggests, unsecured business loan is a loan without demand of collateral to pledge. Therefore, you can take a breath of relief if you are not capable of placing any asset. Tenants can take the great advantage of this loan service. However, it also makes the application simple and quicker removing away all the extended and chaotic collateral assessment process. It is also free from faxing process and extensive paperwork.

The loan amount that can be fetched with this loan service ranges from £1000 to £25000 with the flexible repayment tenure of 14-31 days.

Absence of collateral might charge you a bit higher interest rates. Online research will let you avail a better deal with affordable rates. Comparing various online quotes and negotiation with the lenders lead you a swift loan deal.

To apply for unsecured business loans, online route is considered as a best process. You are just required to fill a simple form with the details regarding your income and checking account. The loan amount will get submitted in your checking account without any delay and cumbersome formalities.

You can gain a terrific financial assistance to take your business at peaks.

Chaste C. Jon has no formal degree in finance, but year of work that he has put in the finance industry make him expert in financial matter. To find unsecured small business loan, unsecured business loan visit http://www.unsecuredbusinessloans.org.uk

2011年7月14日 星期四

Unsecured Business Loans

If you are an entrepreneur, you should choose unsecured business loans. These offer more benefits and easier terms than traditional secured bank loans. Secured loans have rigid terms and conditions. Banks operate according to a fixed debt-equity ratio. This ratio is important to ensure the safety of the loans granted. Such inflexible terms can limit your options as an entrepreneur. Unsecured loans have no such rigidity attached with them.

Avail Various Benefits

The best feature is that you do not need to mortgage an asset against the loan. You can avail them, even if you have a poor credit rating or a bad credit history. It is not possible to take a secured loan with poor credit track, but you can always take an unsecured loan. They provide immense business opportunities. You can easily start your own venture or expand an existing one. You can purchase assets, services, machinery, and equipment without any difficulty. If you are short of working capital, then also you can take these loans and speed up the production process. Repayment is easy, for you can repay these loans when you have enough money.

Flexible Terms And Conditions

You can also take more orders and ensure the completion and delivery on time with these loans. They greatly aid in the expansion of business. The interest rate charged is higher than bank loans, but the convenience offered is unmatched. This is because of the risk factor involved in unsecured business loans. You can also modify the terms and conditions according to your convenience. Not only for business, but these loans can be a type of personal loans too. You can use them for various purposes like paying urgent school fee, repairs, home improvement, emergency medical care bills, and credit card payment among others.

Points To Consider

There are some things that you need to keep in mind before choosing an unsecured business loan:

1.Interest: Interest charged is always on the higher side, but make sure it is according to the prevalent market rates. Do not end up paying extra.

2.Grace Period: There is a grace period attached to every unsecured business loan. This varies according to the lender. It is recommended that you negotiate for a longer grace period.

3.Late Fee: If there is a delay in repayment, late fee is charged. It is important to negotiate the terms of the late fee before taking an unsecured loan.

4.Reputation: Reputation of the lender is the most important thing. Check for his past records and take the opinion of a few past customers for complete satisfaction.

Keeping these things in mind is always good. This can save you from a bad deal.

Select The Best Loan

The most important thing is to find the right loan provider. There are many companies that provide business loans, but many of them do not have good customer support and conditions. You should try to take an unsecured business loan without much trouble. Business is a very competitive field in this era. Borrowing is easy; you do not need to go for any background checks and validations too. All you need is a bank account and a valid social security number. Cash help at the time of need saves business from bankruptcy and can take it to new heights.

If you need urgent cash help, you should select unsecured business loans. These unsecured loans are available easily. There are many good loan providers to help you get the most appropriate one.

Why a Business Cash Advance is Easier to Get Than a Business Loan

With over 3 million small businesses existing in the state of California, it's safe to say that business loans are a hot commodity for business owners in the Golden State.

Business loans are coveted for their ability to finance business growth and expansion, and even preservation and maintenance within a business.

Many business loans however, can only be obtained under certain conditions. The borrower may be required to have a credit score of at least 700, paperwork documenting his/her financial history, a business that has been in operation for at least three years, and to the dismay of many California business owners, the list continues.

After realizing that a bank business loan is out of the question, and searching from place to place hoping to come across adequate funds, many California business owners have found that a business cash advance is just what they are looking for.

These business owners have been able to find money to finance their business ventures with credit scores that some banks may not consider worthy of business loan consideration. They obtained this money without providing collateral, and without making appointment after appointment with loan consultants.

Business cash advance recipients are required to provide lenders with at least four months of their businesses' most recent credit card statements. Usually, if the business processes a minimum of $2,500 in monthly credit card sales, the owner is eligible to receive a business cash advance. Then, as customers continue to make credit card purchases, a small percentage from each sale is put toward the repayment until repayment is completed. The application process is simple, funding is speedy, and payments are flexible.

Now, finding funding for your California business does not have to be an impossible task. Take advantage of a business cash advance and make your California business the envy of the United States.

Gaston C. writes articles about Business Loans for Merchant Resources International.